Little update on Griffin
Some of you know, so of you don't that durring Griffin's 1yr apt, the doctor was a little concered about his walking pattern, or lack there of actually. He is not walking, nor crusing which puts him just slightly behind. The doc noticed that he has really flat feet and something seemed abnormal. After getting normal results on his hip X-ray, she Griffin was referred to a Orthopedic doctor.
I was not really worried about him not walking, but had noticed that his feet just seemed akward and really 'bendy'
So last thursday we had our appointment in Tacoma at the Orthopedic Dr. He noticed the same thing the first doctor noticed. He did some tests and showed me how overly flexable Griffin is. The doctor bent his four fingers really far back and Griffin didn't even react. He took his thumb to his forearm; and the top of his foot easily touches his leg.
He explained that Griffin has really loose joints, so he does not get the support from his ankles to help him balance. So until he gets better control of his body, he'll just keep practicing and may not walk for a while longer. He suggested getting hightop sneekers (which are very hard to find since it's not 1985 anymore!).
I asked if his delay had anything to do with the fact that he has very small feet for his size. He said he does not have small feet for his size, he has a huge body for his feet!
So pray that Griffin's little feet can carry his big body soon, because he is getting pretty heavy to carry everywhere! His new shoes should be here in a few days.